Monday, February 23, 2009


So, womanizer is finally finsihed. Last Friday we played it in class (we being myself, Ian Baird, Scott Latham and Rich Klaas). I feel great about working with these guys because they're all great musicians. We only had one or tow rehearsals before we performed on friday, and it came together really quickley.
I got a lot of feedback on friday, both positive and critical. I definitely had a lot to work on with my piece. Luckily for me, Dr. Ross circled all the areas in my piece that needed to be worked on. So I fixed a few things, like the chorus (it sounded too much like the original Womanizer), and instead of having a confusing coda, I copied the chorus onto right after the second verse, then I tweaked it just a little bit to make it sound slightly different. I really liked this suggestion (by Dr. Ross). I tried to make it so that the listener would be slightly thrown off by the little differences. I also went through and corrected some of the areas where the voice wasn't fully balanced with the rest of the instruments.
I'm a little nervous about performing this on Friday, but hopefully everything will be fine, and we'll work out the new changes at the next rehearsal we have.

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